Rasa Sakit
ألم يعتمد على مريض
ceritanya mau ada hobi baru ngedesain, especially khat. Tapi its not really easy to do with design tool. I usually use my sharpen pencil or special pen for khat, haha
So the quote above is delayed for a while :3
Finally! I made it, using Diwani khat style :D
Here it is,
ألم يعتمد على مريض
ceritanya mau ada hobi baru ngedesain, especially khat. Tapi its not really easy to do with design tool. I usually use my sharpen pencil or special pen for khat, haha
So the quote above is delayed for a while :3
Finally! I made it, using Diwani khat style :D
Here it is,
thought about it when I got sick. “The pain depends on who is receiving
sickness”. Who is patient when he is sick, in sha Allah the healing
will come closer. Instead, anyone who complain over and over, their
actually pain are their heart. Fastagffarullah...
Rasa Sakit
Reviewed by Kisah Fajr
Januari 23, 2014
Rating: 5